
About Me

Hi, I'm Doranda and this is my blog.  I started it a couple years ago not really knowing what to write about. So I write about what I know.  My family!  My life!  My struggles and successes.  As it turns out, I actually have a lot more going on in my life than I first realized.  My three little redheads and newborn keep me pretty busy.  But when I have time to myself I love to take pictures, read, try new things, blog, Photoshop, and talk to any grown up I can find (emphasis on the grown up part).

I grew up in WA with five brothers and two sisters.  After graduation I headed off to BYU-Idaho and got a Bachelors degree in Communication with a Public Relations emphasis.  Met my amazing husband, Bob, and quickly got started on building my own family.  I was only 18 when I got married and 19 when Tucker was born which looking back sounds crazy, but it worked for us.  After College we moved for work, Bob is a nuclear engineer and I get to be a Trophy Wife ;-) and mom at the same time.  Penelope and Scarlett came soon after, in 2009 and 2011.  Leon is only a few months old and we love him to pieces.

What I am really into now is photography.  I love taking pictures and honing in on my skills.  When my kids get older I would love to start my own business, but for now I am happy practicing and taking pics for friends.

I like ice cream, painted toenails, symphony bars, when it is 76 degrees outside, jumping on the trampoline, geocaching, cereal for breakfast, and did I mention ice cream.
I feel like my life is going so fast I need to hurry up and get with the program before it passes me by.  Sometimes I feel like a mom in over her head.  Maybe some of my experiences can help you out, or at least help you laugh.