
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Three Kids

It is really hard to be a mom of three kids!  At least for me.  I don't mean to complain because I know so many people have a lot more going on than I do but I am having a hard time taking care of all three of them.  It is a huge adjustment for me.  For some reason it is much harder than going from one to two children.  Scarlett is even a pretty good baby, it is just that there are now three at home all the time.  One of them is always having a problem or needing something.  Tucker will be trying to get me to play spiderman with him, Penelope will be holding her empty sippy cup in my face, and I'm either holding Scarlett or trying to nurse her.  Plus nap time isn't as great because I can't really put Scarlett in a room and tell her she can't come out for two hours.  So I end up taking care of her a lot during the naps which isn't that big of a deal but It does mean I can't take a nap.  It is great when all three kids sleep at the same time but that usually doesn't happen.  The hardest is when i have to put the kids in bed by myself.  Tucker and Penelope go to bed at 7:30.  That is a time when i am trying to keep Scarlett awake so I hold her which makes it very difficult to change Penelope's diaper, brush everyone's teeth, read scriptures and a story, all with Tucker whining because he doesn't want to go to bed and Penelope climbing over tucker which gets them both laughing very loud making it impossible for anyone to hear me reading.  The whole process takes me at least 20 minutes and I always come out of it with a pounding headache.  I don't know how single moms do it.  I wish bob could come home from young men just to put the kids in bed and then go back.
I took the kids to the park yesterday but it was very stressful and we just came home.  Tucker brought a ball but it was very windy so it kept rolling away and almost going into the parking lot.  Penelope wanted me to blow bubbles. I brought the GPS because there was a geo cache I wanted to find and my camera to take pictures.  I tried to carry Scarlett around in her car seat because she was sleeping I didn't get her out and put her in the stroller.  It was just too much. 
I don't want anyone to feel bad for me things really are going fine.  I just wanted to write it down so I can remember how hard and stressful the first little while of Scarlett's life was for me.  At times I feel like there is no way I can have any more kids.  But at other times, like when everyone is quiet and Scarlett is sleeping so adorably she looks like a little doll, I think maybe one more.


  1. I totally understand and totally agree with everything you said! I had heard that three kids is the hardest but didn't really think it would be that different, man I was wrong. I just told Danny tonight how it's amazing how much more stressful it is hearing three kids screaming and crying at the same time than just two. Maybe when we can start getting a full nights sleep things will be better... That's what I keep telling myself anyway!

  2. DITTO to your entire post!! I haven't gone to the park yet, only indoor play dates where I feel more in control that i won't lose a kid or have Anson fall off the playground. It's good to know we are all in this stressful stage together!!

  3. You forgot to mention that Penelope's sippy cup is only empty because she had been holding upside down in your five five minutes earlier.

  4. You are Awesome for having 3 kids, 3 years and younger! And since they are all pretty close in age, Im sure they will have a very close relationship with each other!! :o)

  5. I remember this so well. Having 2 kids wasn't so bad, but when the 3rd came, and had colic, I thought I was going to die. Hang in there, girl, it does get better. Now that my three oldest are 40, 37, & 35, it's downright easy!


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