
Monday, June 13, 2011

VooDoo Doughnuts

The first stop on our little road trip was voodoo doughnuts.  If you haven't heard of it it is this crazy doughnut place in Portland that makes weird doughnuts.  It is kind of famous, people even get married there!
We ended up taking much longer than we anticipated.  The line wrapped around the whole building and even outside.  It took us about a half an hour to get through and this was on a Friday at about 10 in the morning. 
Below are our doughnut picks.  I got the maple bacon doughnut, I think that is their most famous and it was pretty good.  We also got a mafia fritter, blood filled (that's the one with pretzels stabbing the eye and heart), a dirt, a Portland cream, and a butterfingers doughnut.  I wouldn't say that they were any better than most doughnut places, just different. 
I took several pictures of their decor.  Notice the outdoor seating?  They also sell a coffin full of doughnuts for $100.  Not sure what kind of occasion calls for a coffin of doughnuts besides a Halloween party.  While there I kept noticing how kind of trashy the whole place was.  I am sure they are making tons of money because it was so packed but it didn't seem like the owners cared about keeping it clean or following the health code.  I saw several people in the back making the doughnuts and people weren't wearing hairnets and sometimes not even gloves!  Oh well, I still had no problem eating the food.
The drive to Oregon went pretty well.  We stopped to feed Scarlett twice on the way and even took a little break and got an Oregon Geocache.  It was so nice and quiet in the car.  Bob and I listed to an audio book most of the time.  We are normally used to endless questions, singing, and whining coming from the backseat.  Scarlett barely cried at all.


  1. That's cool you went there! I have heard about them on the travel channel.

  2. We love VooDoo Doughnuts! It is kind of trashy, though... but still fun. :) Oh, and we don't have a name yet, but by Baby S. I just meant Baby Swift. :)


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