
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th

Happy 4th of July.
This weekend we went camping at my sisters property about two and a half hours south of here.  Aside from the mother daughter camp out I haven't been camping for three years.  It was fun to go although a little difficult with a baby.  I am pretty sure Scarlett barely got set down the whole time.  I love campfires and especially s'mores.  Two things we had plenty of.
We also saw several deer.  We couldn't get them to eat out of hands like they will in the winter time but we did get closer to them than I think I have ever been.
I am a little bit tired from the whole thing.  I fell asleep early last night and was out of it until Scarlett woke up to eat at 4.
We had a lot of family there and Penleope did pretty good with everyone.  Tucker also loved being around his cousins.
The weather was great.  I can't believe it is July and we are just now having warm weather.  They have a pool at the property so I will post more about that tomorrow.

I am really glad we went and we all had a lot of fun.  That being said, I think I will be ok if we don't go camping again until next summer.  It is kind of hard with the baby and Penelope.  She kept tripping and then getting dirty and then crying about it.  If we go next year, Penelope will be running around easily and Scarlett will be the one tripping over every bump (if she can walk).

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