
Monday, September 26, 2011

Sharpie Disasater

I'm sure I said it before but this little girl gets into everything!  This particular time I was frustrated with the kids following me around so I went upstairs and took about 10 minutes for myself to get dressed and brush my teeth.  When I came down I found that Penelope got a Sharpie!  I have no idea how she got it.  She loves to color on things so we try hard to keep all the pens away from her.  Tucker never did this but Penelope has colored all over the house multiple times.  Sharpies are the worst.  If you look at the picture you can see she tried to paint her nails with it.
They both had it on their heads and on their cloths.  I couldn't get it out of their cloths.  Oh well, that is part of the reason why I buy cheap cloths for them.  The frustrating part is when I was mad at her and telling her that she shouldn't do that I put her in front of a mirror so she could see what I was talking about.  And when she saw herself she got the biggest smile on her face.  She loved it!

Does anyone know how to get sharpie out of cloths? or off of furniture?


  1. Oh no!! I don't know how to get them off clothes or furniture. It's pretty permanent, I think. That is frustrating, I'm sorry!

  2. For the furniture I think you can use rubbing alcohol and get a paper towel and dab it on don't rub. For the shirt you could try nail polish remover. Good luck!~!

  3. It's amazing how they always seem to find the permanent markers. Parker is at the stage where he just keeps getting in to things too. This morning, he came in and said, "I eat all yur gum mommy." Turns out he ate 7 pieces! Good luck with getting the marker out. I'm sure there is a solution online somewhere. Danny says you can get anything out of anything with toothpaste... but I'm not sure if that's true.

  4. try barbasol shaving cream! seriously, that stuff works wonders on stains!

  5. was this before L came over? Sorry! But I notice she didn't miss a single finger nail. Maybe she needs a quick polish mom! Oh and no, not sure how you can get that outta clothes or furniture. Windex might work. LOL

  6. I didn't even need to read it, the title says it all!


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