
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Photo of the Week!

More wedding pictures tomorrow, right now I want to post about the photo of the week.  Even though you probably already heard because I have been telling everyone.

A couple of months ago the church contacted me about using one of my photographs for their photo of the week.  They also asked me to send in a picture of myself with it and to write a little story about the picture.  I was and still am so excited.  They have thousands and thousands of pictures so it is really exciting to think that someone saw one of my pictures and though, "hey lets use this one."  I have been anxiosly waiting for what seemed like a long time for them to post it.  And then on Monday I got an email saying that I can view my picture at this link and they look forward to seeing more of my pictures.  There is a small chance that one of my pictures could show up in an Ensign or some other church material.

It is so neat because a picture of me is on the site also.  I wonder how many people over the week are going to view it?  I was telling Bob that I should have found a way to sneak in a link to my blog.  But he was probably right when he said that they would have taken it out.

For those of you who don't want to click on the link here is the picture and story to go with it.
I took this picture on our only son’s fourth birthday. It looked beautiful and sunny outside our large kitchen window, like it often does in June. I suggested we go out and play. Too excited for shoes, my son ran out of the back door. After several minutes of jumping on the trampoline and running around, he sat down on the newly built picnic bench to rest. I started to feel slightly overwhelmed at how old he was and how fast he grew. It seemed like just months ago when he was a baby in my arms, and now he was running around the backyard and jumping off things. I wanted to document the moment and couldn't think of a better way than to take a picture of what seemed to me like a pair of giant, non-baby, dirty feet.

—Doranda Woestman


  1. That's cool I have never even heard about those picture profiles, glad you said something I wouldn't have known! So is Tucker demanding royalties? :)

  2. Cool! I also didn't even know about the photo of the week thing. Good to know! :)

  3. Very sweet. I am glad to see the church website being so diverse in what a person can find there.


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