
Monday, November 7, 2011

Temple Trip

Since I was photographing a wedding on Saturday we just drove out with the whole family. I couldn't leave Scarlett long enough to go by myself so we made a family day trip out of it.   It worked out nicely because Tucker has wanted to go for a while and we haven't taken him yet because it is an hour and a half drive to get there.  If Bob and I are going to make the drive out we want to actually go into the temple.  It was so cute because he was singing "I love to see the Temple" on the drive over.  Then he asked me if he could go inside someday like the song. 
I tried to dress him nicely but you couldn't tell once he put his coat and boots on.  There is a funny story about the picture above.  Right when we got out of the car Tucker ran to this tree hugged it and wanted me to take a picture.  I did it and then noticed that the car right behind the tree looked like it was moving.  A couple seconds later it started to pick up speed and was defiantly rolling backwards with no one in it.  I hollard for bob and he ran over and stopped it.  I thought we were going to need to get a rock to put behind the wheel and write a note when Bob just opened the door and jumped in.  He put the parking break on and also noticed that the car was still in drive.  The funny part is that we saw an old man about 50 feet away and we are pretty sure it was his car.  He was oblivious.  Bob said it was a good thing I noticed when I did because if it had been a couple of seconds later the car would have picked up too much speed to stop and it would have crashed into the Lexus behind it.  The whole thing was pretty funny.

We walked around the temple grounds for a little bit.  I scoped out picture places and the kids got to look around.
While I did the wedding Bob took the kids to a nearby bike shop for an hour. 

On Wednesday I will post up some of the wedding pictures.  There are definitely things I could have done better on but for my first time I think it went well.  I would really like to watch a professional photographer shoot a wedding.  I could go as their assistant or something and I think I could learn a lot.


  1. That is a crack up about the car. Way to be at the right place at the right time. I still need to take my kiddos to the temple too.


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