
Tuesday, January 3, 2012


We had a blast in Cincinnati this Christmas break.  It was the Woestman family reunion and it went really well thanks to Mom and Dad Woestman and all the work they put into the week.  Here is a picture of the whole group together.  Can you believe there were 10 kids and Tucker was the oldest.  That is right 10 kids 4 and under!
Of course while in Ohio we had to make a few necessary stops.  The first one being Skyline.  Skyline is a chili restaurant but it isn't anything like the chili you are used to.  The chili itself is much more runny and you put it on spaghetti noodles on top of the noodles they pile on the cheese.  That is called a three-way.  Add onions and you get a four-way.  i had my first phony coney over the break.  That is like a chili dog but there is no hot dog.  Just bun, chili, and cheese.  Hence the name phony coney.  It doesn't look good, but it does grow on you.
Then to the even more appetizing Graters.  Graters is a yummy ice cream parlor that is famous for their black raspberry chocolate chunk ice cream.  It is so good Oprah has it shipped to her house.  My only complaint was that I wanted more.
Tucker especially had a lot of fun playing with his cousins.  And Penelope wasn't scared of all the people like I thought she might be.  She was actually really into the other babies.  It was cute.
Check back tomorrow for more on our Cincinnati vaca.

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