
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow Pics

We had fun playing outside in the snow yesterday.  I think I was the most excited then Tucker and bob (excited he didn't have to go to work) then Penelope was a little excited and Scarlett could care less.  We did all go outside once we got dressed and ready around 8:45.  Scarlett cried almost the whole time. Keep in mind that it was snowing pretty hard so the snow was getting in everyones faces.  Penelope lasted a few minutes before she wanted to go back inside.  And Tucker and I stayed out for about 2 hours.
The snowman was fun to build!
Tucker was really excited about snowballs.  He mostly just wanted to throw snowballs the entire time we were outside.
 I made him wear his beard hat.  he doesn't like it as much as his other hats because I think it itches him.
This picture is from the second time we went out.  Penelope had bob put all of her warms clothes on.  Then when she got out Tucker was ready to go back in.  I was going to stay out with her but after about 1 minute she said she wanted to go inside.  I made her stay out a little and she was crying by 5 minutes.  That is when we went in.
Bob has a two hour delay this morning so he is getting ready to go to work now.  I am watching the news and it seems like many people are out of power.  Luckily we have power.  I guess the problem today is not the snow but the ice.  Still more snow pics to come.

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