
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Second Post of the Day!

Does everyone have plans for Valentines day?  We don't.  Well nothing exciting.  Between it being on a Tuesday and Scarlett crying for babysitters we will probably just stay home.  Thats not so bad though. It is actually pretty great. I love my nights alone with my hubby while the kids are in bed.  I think we are doing a special dinner just the two of us after the kids are in bed.
I took some pictures of the flowers bob got me last week and this is my favorite one.  It was nice of Bob to get flowers for me.  He surprised me with flowers sometimes when I am having a hard day or am in an especially grumpy mood.  I did ask him not to get flowers for me on Valentines day.  I know it is what people get but it just really bugs me that a dozen roses will cost $19.99 when two weeks before or after Valentines day they only cost $9.99.

Feel free to download the picture print it and put it in a pretty frame to ad to your Valentines decorations.  Or use it as as a card to give to someone special ;-).

Also check back tomorrow morning for my first ever free giveaway!


  1. Pretty! We are doing the same thing at home too :) I would not like to brave the crowds and overpriced foods at a restaurant!

  2. I definitely don't have VDay plans. Probably get some cute treats for the kids and after they go to bed I'll watch a movie and enjoy a big bowl of ice cream. LOL
    That is a pretty shot of the rose.

  3. Michael and I love making a special dinner together after the kids go to bed. We have temple recommend interviews tomorrow night. That's almost a date right?


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