
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 8 and 9

Makes you go Hmmm? Yumm! (Day 8)
When I saw Scarlett trying to eat the box when she still had a tray full of cereal I had to laugh.  I guess the box was just more appealing to her.  I personally would take the cereal over the box.

 Rule of Thirds (Day 9)
Playing the guitar happens a lot around our house.  Bob plays (for real) and Tucker plays with the guitar.  There is a big difference and when Tucker has my real guitar I try to get him to be as carful as a four-year-old can be.  I love when we have music in our house.  But like you can see in the picture sometimes things get a little loud inside and we need to take the music outside for sanity purposes.

Inspired by Family Magazine


  1. Great photos-Tucker really looks like he knows what he's doing! :-}

  2. Don't forget to link up each individual photo in the challenge. If you have more then one photo in the same post that you are submitting just add #1, #2, #3.... so on.

    Good luck!


Thanks for your comments! I will try to respond to all questions as long as you are not a 'no-reply blogger' (meaning I can't see your email address).