
Monday, December 3, 2012

Nativity Display

This weekend we did one of my favorite Christmas activities and went to the nativity display.  This was our third year going so many of them were the same but it I love how different ones intrigue me.  This year it was the detail of many of the kings.  Tucker pointed this first one out to me and the more I look at it the more I like it.  Notice the design on his clothes.
 Tucker really wanted me to take a picture of the star so here it is.
 And next a picture of my two angels and little king.
I didn't remember seing this pinecone one last year.  But I thought it was fitting for the pacific northwest.  My backyard is full of them.  While others rake up leaves I rake up pinecones.  Seriously.

 The next one had the smallest Jesus we found.  Penelope loved the 'teeny' ones.
I am really thankful that we have Christ related Christmas things to do, I only wish there were more.  I feel like I am part of some sort of battle with teaching the kids that Christmas isn't about Santa.  I focused on the real reason so much last year, but when I asked the kids what Christmas was about this year, Jesus wasn't mentioned.  Oh well.  I will just keep trying and let the kids be kids.  I don't want to take all the fun out of it for them ;-).


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Like I blogged, the kids are still young enough....let them enjoy Santa and presents and as they continue to get older they'll remember the Nativities and lessons about Jesus' birth. No worries.

  3. I'm right there with you! We don't do Santa, and I struggle with keeping them focused on the reason for the season!


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