
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Watch What I'm Wearing

I'm 24 1/2 weeks pregnant in this picture and staring to feel pretty huge.  I honestly don't remember getting much bigger than this.  Ok, I am sure I got much bigger with the last three pregnancies but I feel like I am 9 months along and ready to go.  Too bad I am only a little over half way.  I was complaining to the doctor about different aches and pains that I didn't think I had much of before.  And he told me that it happens as you get older.  Older!?! I was surprised, I didn't realize I fit into the getting older category.  I wanted to tell him that I am only 25.  But I am sure he already has that information.  Sigh.  And the name search is not coming along very well.  We have about 30 ideas, none of which we feel strongly about.  Hopefully we will be able to narrow it down to just a couple boy and girl ideas before the birth.
Shirt: H&M  Skirt: Down East  Boots: Ross
I personally like this outfit with the blazer.  It was a fun way to stay warm and look nice.  A great alternative to a black cardigan.

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  1. You look so lovely all the time. I love the red and black.

    Take it from me (an oldie) ...25 isn't old! : )


  2. You look amazing and pregnant! mostly amazing though! I hope I look at that good when I'm pregnant one day...which by the way I'm scared to death of whole pregnancy thing.


  3. Beautiful! I like it with the blazer too. And I was 33 when I had my last one, 25 with my first. You are definitely NOT getting older!

    Build your wardrobe on $20 a week with me!

  4. You look so beautiful, no matter what you wear! And you are glowing Doranda! :) You do look big, I wonder how you'll look at 9 months! jeje hang in there!



  5. I really like this outfit, especially your boots! And I know what you mean about feeling huge, although you don't look it. I feel like I'm about ready to pop. I don't know how my stomach is going to handle stretching even more!

  6. You are glowing! The skirt is fabulous. Your style reminds me of Taylor Swift.

  7. You look absolutely gorgeous! It's more than your cute outfit though, you really are glowing!

  8. I love your hair ! :)


  9. I to have made a list of Baby names for you! Maybe some of them will jump out! I will give them to you tomorrow at your hair appointment!

  10. You look beautiful and I love that outfit!

  11. Love your outfit! Stripes and red and perfect with each other. And sweetie, you do not look anywhere near ready to pop! ;) You're so tiny. I will say that age definitely seems to be a factor in pregnancy discomfort - I was 29 when I had my kiddo and it was miserable. There were several 18 and 19 year olds around me at the same time who just breezed through their pregnancies with no problems. ;)

  12. Love your outfit and you look so cute pregnant! :)

  13. You are just about the cutest prego I have ever seen! The photos of you straight on, you cant even tell you are pregnant! WOW. And I LOVE your outfit. Cute cute cute!!

    Its so hard picking baby names! I like unique names, so it took my hubs and me a while to decide on a name we both could agree on for our kids! But when you find it, you will know. :)

    Anywho... stopping by from transatlantic blonde, and so glad I did... Saw you host a link up too! Yay, I linked up a few of my posts. Thanks for hosting!


  14. I love a blazer instead of a cardigan and you are not anywhere near huge. If you want to see huge I can scare you with my 41week bump lol.
    ✰Transatlantic Blonde✰

  15. You look amazing, I love your neat bump.. hope mine looks like that!


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