
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Memorial Weekend

On Monday we started out the morning with the annual ward breakfast.  Instead of everyone wearing red, white, and blue.  I decided to dress Penelope in red, Scarlett in white, and Tucker in blue.  Check out Penelope's picture face.
Too bad my face in the next picture is even worse.  I think I was either trying to get something out of my teeth or chewing.  We had pancakes, eggs, and my favorite bacon.  Bob and Tucker had a deal where Tucker gave bob all his eggs if Bob gave Tucker his pancakes.  It worked out for them, but I wanted someone to give me their bacon.
After that we headed to Good Will to drop some things off.  Somehow our house has turned into that house in your neighborhood that has a bunch of junk in the front yard.  We really need to spruce it up and the first step is to get rid of stuff we don't need.
The rest of the day we just hung out, went grocery shopping, and enjoyed our extra day together.
I guess it just wasn't my day for pictures.

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