
Monday, August 5, 2013

Canoe Trip

Bob left before 4:30am last monday and didn't get back until late Friday night on a canoe trip with the scouts.  He said they had a fun and stressful time, and they even caught a fish.  Him being gone meant I was alone all week.  I was pretty nervous about it.

For one, I can get a little freaked out when I am home at night without him here (hence I didn't post it on the blog until after he got back).  There are some crazy people out there.  One person actually has been stealing pictures of Scarlett off of my blog and pretending she is her child!  Scary right?  If anyone has any ideas on how to get her to stop please leave a comment and let me know.  I don't want to go as far as to get a restraining order but I'll do what I have to to protect my family.

And, lets face it, I just wasn't sure if I could handle four kids day and night by myself.  I really think Heavenly Father helped me out this week because things went so well.  The kids we better behaved than ever.  Leon slept longer than normal.  I had plenty to do, making it possible for me to talk to other adults and stay sane.  And most importantly we didn't find any spiders in our house that needed squishing.  I even managed to keep the house clean, which is a miracle because that doesn't happen when Bob is here to help out.  I guess it just shows that when you serve others you will get blessings.  Go here, to learn more about what I believe.


  1. Sounds like a lot of FUN!

    Hope you had a great weekend!:)

  2. It's hard to know what to do about online "privacy." If you want to at least protect your photos, you should look up tutorials for disabling the right-click option on your site. It will prevent people from being able to right-click and then save your photos to their computers.

    I'm glad you did alright while you were single-parenting for a week!!

  3. Oh my heck, I hate staying alone at the house. I can't believe you did it for a week! Good job! And it's seriously crazy about that woman stealing your pictures...that's why I made my blog private. There are too many crazies out there and I wanted to have control of who looked at my blog.

  4. That is so scary about people stealing your photos. I put the URL to my blog on every photo I post. I would send her an email and explain to her that your photos are copyrighted amd belong to you. People are soooo crazy! Disabling the right click function sounds like a good idea,


Thanks for your comments! I will try to respond to all questions as long as you are not a 'no-reply blogger' (meaning I can't see your email address).