
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Trapeze Lessons

For our 7th anniversary we headed over to Emerald City Trapeze and took a class.  It was so much fun and so scary at the same time.  We barely got to practice at all on the low bar and then I had to go first and just try it.  I was scared out of my mind, but I am glad I did it.  A couple people in our group we even more scared than me because one wouldn't jump at the top and another ended up quitting.  Bob loved it too and we are so glad we did it.

Isn't this ladder intimidating?  The rule is you are not allowed to stop climbing until you get to the top.  It was very high.
Here you can see Bob getting straped in.  The platform is the top of a bleacher bench.  Not very big.
I love the swinging face.
This next picture is my favorite.  It is amazing that you can swing so far without falling.
Here I go.

After a few times we got to try the catch.  I was scared I wouldn't make it and just fall, but luckily that didn't happen.

Bob's turn.
Bob said they barley caught hands.  And that he grabbed the guy so hard he had to tell bob to loosen up.

It was very different form our usual date and perfect for our anniversary.  The trapeze people were nice and a little different.  I'm not sure how to explain it except that they are what you would expect for circus people.  They even taught us the secret trapeze handshake.

Check out the video.  

Afterward Bob surprised me and we went to Ikea!  Any guesses to what we got?  Scarlett was not happy about driving home with the box over her head.
Thanks mom and dad for watching the kids!


  1. What a super fun anniversary date! Happy Anniversary to you two. We just celebrated our 13th anniversary yesterday. Your trapeze date totally beats out dinner and a Best Buy trip that we did :)

  2. I don't think that taking Trapeze Lessons has ever crossed my mind. That's awesome!!!

  3. Holy Molly! That looks like a ton of fun! For our 5th wedding anniversary we went to a shooting range to learn how to shoot. LOL.

    Ana Paula
    {Visit me at Mommyhood, PhD}

  4. That looks like so much fun! Thanks for posting the video too!


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