
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Seahawks Superbowl!

I am not really into watching football games on tv.  By that I mean, not into it at all, like I have never even done it before and have no desire to do it.  But with the Seahawks going to the superbowl everyone was getting so hyped up around here.  I couldn't go to the grocery store without hearing "Go Hawks!" at least ten times.  We decided to go ahead and watch the game.
Tucker was definitely the most excited one.  He probably knows the most about it too.  There are a lot of Seahawks fans at his school.  Since we were watching the Superbowl we needed some yummy snacks.  Bob make this delicious bread bowl with bacon, ranch and jalapeño peppers.  And these bbq won ton things.  I made football shaped moon pies and didn't take any pictures :(  The kids really love them though.
I'm not going to say that I loved it, but I can see how people get into it.  It was kind of fun.  And it did take up a good 4 hours!  I don't see myself spending that much time sitting down watching tv in the future.  Maybe if I had nothing else to do, but that isn't likely going to happen.
Scarlett was really getting into the half time show. And I wore Seahawk colors.
The best part was the Seahawks won!  It wasn't even close though.  Half way was something like 22-0 and the ending score was 43-8.  Not bad for their first time winning and only their second time ever playing in it.

Anyway, it was a fun...and different, sort of day.


  1. Ha ha ha...that is our house every Sunday. Football is on ALL THE TIME. I can't say I love it (or even like it most of the time) but I was really excited for the Super Bowl! It was pretty awesome. :)

  2. Great pictures. Love the half time dancing at your house.



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