
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Scarlett's 13th Birthday

Scarlett is a teenager!  We now have three in the house.  
Scarlett has noticeably matured over this past year.  She has grown so much in her schooling, they took her off of her IEPs and is doing well in her classes.  Her teachers says she is great in class and they especially love how hard she works.
She has a lot of strong feelings but I can see now that she tries to control them, which is not something she did when she was younger.
Scarlett is very kind.  She will write bob and I nice notes and whenever she is somewhere that they are giving out treats she will try to get one for me because she knows I like sweets. 
She still struggles getting along with some of her siblings but we are working on it.  
Scarlett loves reading.  She usually walks around school all day with like three huge chapter books in her arms that she is working on.  She spends a good amount of time at home reading as well.  

Scarlett is not into sports or competitive anything, but she did do cross country at my encouragement and worked very hard at it.  

At her birthday party right after she opened presents I accidentally pulled Beatrix's elbow out of place.  She was in pain and Bob and I rushed her to the ER.  After the long wait the doctor fixed it in about three seconds (Side note, we saw the doctor less than three minutes, used no medicine, supplies, or machines and got an $1800 bill.  That makes no sense to me, but thankfully our insurance covered most of it).  Anyway Scarlett was so sweet about the whole thing.  She didn't care that it was happening right when we were about to eat cake.  She wanted to go to the hospital with us to make sure Beatrix was OK.  I had her stay home, my parents and sister and her husband stayed with the kids and finished out the birthday party for us.  They even cleaned up and made "get well" cards for Beatrix.  Beatrix was totally fine and happy right after the doctor popped it back into place.  No ice or resting needed.

In ended up being a decent family birthday party aside from the ER trip right in the middle.

Happy Birthday Scarlett!

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