
Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Halloween was so much fun for the kids.  Now I just need to figure out what to do with all the candy.  Here they are in their homemade costumes.  We have Inspector Gadget, Penny, and the Brain.  (ok, we didn't really make the Brain costume)
 And below is what we were going for.
I think they look pretty good!  It was Tucker's idea to be Inspector Gadget and I thought it was a pretty good idea.  He did have several ideas but this was the only one that worked with the dog costume we already had for Scarlett.
First we went to trunk-or-treat and the kids loved it.  I only wish I brought more candy.  We ran out.  I purposely kept some candy at home to pass out to door to door trick-or-treaters but by the time we got home we missed them all because we didn't get a single one.  I wish they would do trunk-or-treat the Friday before so I could do both.
I did add a big name tag right in the center of Penelope's shirt that said "Penny, Inspector Gadgets Niece" I think a lot more people got it with the name tag.  And Scarlett was nice and warm in her dog/Brain costume.
Tucker even had a cool Go Go Gadget hand.  I was pretty happy that it stayed together and didn't fall off his head the whole night.
Here is Bob next to the car decorations he set up.  It looked cooler in the dark because he had a bright flashing light going and we turned the car speakers on to 'Thriller' the whole time.

After Trunk-or-Treak I took the kids to just a couple of our neighbors houses because Tucker really wanted to.  It takes a lot longer to go house to house than it does car to car.  Penelope wouldn't say anything she just had no problem walking right into the houses and reaching into the candy bowl herself.  Tucker would then follow her in.  It was a little weird and we had to have a talk about not going in the houses.  I don't think Penelope had any idea what was going on.  She just knew there was candy and she wanted it.  It was a fun night and I already have ideas about what to be next year.


  1. My 6yr old has wanted to be Inspector Gadget for the last two years. Where did you find the jacket and the hat?

  2. I think the Jacket was from Good Will and the hat was a fedora at Walmart. I added the black stripe on it.


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