Today is the first Saturday in a while that we don't have a bunch of things planned to do. All we have is tithing settlement and that doesn't take very long. We will see where the day takes us.
I took this picture of our Christmas tree yesterday. I like the abstract look. It is just a little different than your average Christmas tree picture. I will probably post more pictures of the tree as I play around with it a bit more. I read this great blog post that explains how to do it. She even tells how to do it with a point and shoot camera so don't think it is too hard for you to do because you don't have a fancy camera. Anyone can do this!
This is the first Saturday in a long while that we have free also, except for tithing settlement. Fred has to stay all day for the settlement, but I get the day to myself. I'm not dressed yet and don't plan on it for hours. I love your photos!