
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How to make Cake Stands

I have seen a ton of these cake stands around on pintrest and craft sites and I knew I wanted to do my own. The only problem was that because they are painted you cannot put food directly on top of the cake stands.  So for this tutorial I made three different types of cake stands all of which you can eat off of.

Materials needed:
Plate; either clear or the color you want the top to be ($1 Good Will)
Any cup ($.69 Good Will)
Glue, wood glue or E6000 (had it)
Paint, craft paint or spray paint (had it)
Clear spray paint for top coat (had it)

1) Get your supplies ready.

2) Paint the cup.  I used a craft paint because it is what I had.  I do think an all purpose spray paint would be easier, I just didn't want to spend the money.  If you do craft paint make sure you put a spray top coat on once you are finished.

Do not paint the top of the plate if you want to put food directly onto it.

Measure the center of the bottom of the plate and figure out where to place the cup.  If it is just the slightest bit off it will tip easily.
 4) Glue the cup on.  And wait for it to dry.  These are pretty easy to make.

I think this one below is my favorite.  I actually made two exactly like this since the plates came in a two pack.  I just painted the cup black and flicked sparkles onto it before the paint dried then I sealed it with the top coat.
I have mixed feelings about this last one.  I wanted yellow but couldn't find a yellow plate.  So I got a plastic clear tray and painted the bottom.  Since the underneath of the plate was bumpy it was hard to get an even coat.  Spray paint would have done a good job.  I also didn't realize until I got home that the glass I got actually says 2000 on it. Can you see it?


  1. Super-cute! I have always wanted one, too. I will have to try it.

  2. Those are so cute! Love the colors, too.
    For our wedding, instead of having one big cake I wanted to make our own S'mores cupcakes (they were DELICIOUS. Lots of trouble to make the night before, but seriously the best cupcakes of my life). The cupcakes were the centerpieces of each table, so I needed lots of cake stands! I made my own with cheap plates and ice cream sundae dishes I ordered in bulk and they turned out great!

  3. Fun DIY! I want to start baking cakes. Thanks for sharing!


  4. Love these, I like how you painted them!

  5. How clever! I've got to make one real quick before my daughter's party!

  6. Hi Doranda (unique name, by the way) I'm Connie at, your new GF friend. I would love it if stop by and be mine, too.
    These cakes stands are awesome. Thanks for the tute!

  7. Ok...where is the cake for these stands?! ;)

  8. Hi,

    I followed you over from Whimsy Wednesday Link Party and these are adorable. I love how you made your own cake stands!

    I would love to invite you to share this, and any other posts you would like to, at my Creative Thursday Link Party (opens at 9 pacific tonight) at
    Have a great day,

  9. Thanks for linking up these cake stands at my link party! I like the pink and white one the best. They look great!

  10. I love the sparkles! You did such a great job on these. Thanks so much for sharing at Whimsy Wednesdays!

  11. Oooh! Awesome! This would be a lot of fun for birthdays and other special occasions. We'd love for you to link it up to our Fabulous Friday link party happening right now.

    Holla! We're your newest followers!


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