
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Yellow Skirt

So I tried to make this yellow skirt.  It was hard and I spent a lot of time on it.  I have never made anything this complicated before so for me it took all my energy.  And I was happy with it... until I washed it.  It shrunk at least an inch in length and around.  Since I had made it to be fitted and the material didn't stretch at all I got really frustrated.  I broke the seems three times just trying to wear it.  The problem was that I kept trying to pull it down an inch but it was so tight around my hips that it wouldn't go any lower and the side seam would just rip.  I guess I need to go and fix it but I really don't want to work on it or even think about this skirt anymore.  I just want it to fit.  I guess I learned my lesson, wash material before you sew with it.
Shirt: Ross, $15; Skirt: Made it, $5; Shoes: Fred Meyer
Look, it even has a zipper, pleats and a little ruffle thing in the back.

There was a tie for the most clicked on link last week...
Bright Sun Shiney Day by Bitty and Bunny

Take some time to smell the tulips by Merideth at All Dressed Up.

Now for the Party

Link up your best modest outfits so we can have a fashion link party.  Sometimes it can be hard to dress modest and look nice so post what you are wearing and I will post my favorites next week along with the most clicked on link.

1) Link to a specific blog post not the entire blog, or send me an email with the picture attached (

2) Lets keep it modest.  That really is the whole point.

3) If you like the party grab a button on the left and post it somewhere on your blog, or pin/facebook/tweet about the party to help get the word out.  Don't forget to become a follower on the left.  


  1. Great job on the skirt! I think anything that I make that's actually wearable is a success. But I often feel the same way afterwards, that it just takes so long and I am so stressed by the end, it takes me a couple months to want to make clothing again!

  2. I'm all linked up! Thanks again for the invite. Your skirt is soo lovely. Too bad it shrunk! : ( And you are adorable. Your eyes are gorgeous. Make sure to stop by this Friday for my next Frivolous Fashion Friday post!

    ~ Catie

    Oh, I'm also a new follower. : )

  3. I love that yellow skirt! I think it turned out so cute. I am following you!

  4. Your skirt turned out so cute! Love the ruffle!!!

  5. I think you need to make another skirt then so you can wear it without feeling frustrated! LOL It's really cute!

  6. Your skirt turned out fabulous love the ruffled back. Sorry it shrunk :/

  7. Oh I really love the skirt! It is such a shame that it shrunk. I am not talented when it comes to sewing so I am impressed regardless.

  8. Thanks so much for the linky and have a fab week!

  9. I think the skirt turned out great anything with a zipper is hard (at least for me) I love the ruffle in the back.

  10. I start a sewing class tomorrow, I can't wait! Maybe I will be able to make my own skirts someday!

  11. Great skills!!!! Super cute skirt!

  12. awesome job on the skirt - just found your blog through a link up, and joined your link up too! I have one going on based on Pinterest right now at if you're interested :-) Following you now!


  13. Love what you did with the skirt, you look absolutely stunning!

  14. Great job on the skirt. I love the detail in the back.

    ~Christy (

  15. Hi! I found your blog via the linky party at Momma Go Round blog! I loved your yellow skirt (and all your skirts) in this post. I liked your note to keep it modest. I am a new follower and am linking up!
    Alesha <3

  16. You made that?!?! GO YOU! Super cute :)

  17. I sure wish I could create something like that!


Thanks for your comments! I will try to respond to all questions as long as you are not a 'no-reply blogger' (meaning I can't see your email address).