
Wednesday, December 19, 2012


How are your christmas plans going?  Last week I was super bored but this week I am really busy trying to get everything ready.  I guess that is how it goes sometimes.  I didn't really have much to write about so I will just share a little about what is going on at my house.

Tucker said he was sick Thursday morning so I kept him home but made him stay in his room.  After a little while of him being really bored he said he wanted to go to school.  I got a call a couple hours later saying to come pick him up because he was sick.  So he stayed home on Friday and was better by Sat.  Too bad Saturday night Scarlett started throwing up.  It was extra sad because she isn't old enough to use a bucket and when Bob got her up Sunday morning there was dried throw up all over herself and her bed :(.  So we have been hanging out and resting.  No one else has gotten sick yet.

I went to Good Will Monday and got a couple nice maternity shirts for only $1.29!  I was excited.  One even still had the original tags on it.  Penelope and Scarlett each picked out a book.  Scarlett's book had a star that would glow if the batteries worked.  After I explained that to Penelope she said in a mater of fact tone, "Then I will break it open, put battries in, and tape it back."

For family home evening we made treats and dropped them off at neighbors and friends houses (I don't think any of the people we did read this).  You know, ring the bell and run sort of thing.  The kids loved it.  Too bad, half the people weren't there and that night we got a call from one person saying they saw Bob and Penelope in their security camera!  Bob and I had a good laugh over that.

I started painting Scarlett's knew dresser/armoire.  It is going to be adorable and I can't wait to get it done.  Especially since it is taking up our garage and we have been parking in the driveway.

Now off to go make more Christmas treats and get ready for a fun date with Bob!

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