
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dentist Trip

Scarlett and Penelope haven't been to the dentist yet so I decided to make it a family even and scheduled three appointments, including Tucker, at the same time.  It sounds crazy, but you should know our dentist is awesome.  Each child goes back alone!  I'm serious.  Even Scarlett went with a hygienist into the back room where she got her teeth cleaned, x-rays and examined by the dentist without me.  It was awesome.  Leon and I sat in the waiting room and ready a book on Bobs tablet the whole time.

Once the kids were done they came out and we all met with the dentist in his office where he showed me the x-rays and explained what was going on with each child.

The first picture is of the kids walking in.  The dentist office is in the woods.  Seriously, there are trees all around.  Scarlett was hesitant to go in.  I'm not sure why because she had never been before, but she knew something was up.
 Lots of toys for the kids to play with before they get called back.
See the little window by the floor?  That was my only view of the kids while they got their teeth worked on.  I could tell that it was open in their and they had little stations.  Including a prize station, stuffed animal station, and a little kids type computer station.  It looked fun.
I thought I might have to go back with Scarlett because she is weary of strangers but she went back just fine.  They said she did a really good job and she came back happy.  She doesn't have any cavities but her teeth are really close together so we need to watch that.
She showed me how she opened her mouth.
Penelope also did great!  She doesn't have any cavities.  The dentist did give her a stern talking to about sucking her thumb.  I wasn't really happy about it because he told her that it will make her teeth stick out and people at school will make fun of her.  I didn't think that was a very appropriate thing to say to a 3-year-old.  Especially because she only sucks when she is sleeping and it isn't a conscious decision anymore.
Here she is showing me her teeth.
Tucker did a good job too, but he has been several times.  Remember when his front tooth got shoved back up (here)?  Well, everything is fine with it, but the tooth came back down sticking out and crooked.  It has been wiggly for months and it drives me crazy.  The dentist told Tucker to wiggle it five times a day because his gums are the only thing holding it in.  Tucker also has a few small cavities to watch.  But they are the same as they were two years ago so I am pretty sure they will fall out before anything needs filled.
And that was our Morning.


  1. Cute pictures.

    Have a wonderful day.


  2. You are such a cutie, and your little ones are ADORABLE!
    Ana Paula
    {Visit me at Mommyhood, PhD}


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