
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Kitsap Fair

After Bob got home from work we headed over to the fair.  Thanks to the library we got free tickets and didn't have to go on the dollar day and fight the crowds. We talked to the kids before hand about how we weren't going to do the rides or buy any of the cheap toys, sorry I'm just not a big fan.  They complained about it before we got there but seemed to forget pretty quickly.
We mostly went to see the animals.  The kids loved them and could have stayed much longer walking through the barns.  I wanted to finish that up so we could get to the fair food.  Ever since last year I've been dying to try a Krispy Kreme donut bacon burger.  Two of my favorite things in one!
It was really good, and I didn't have any problems finishing it.  My kids were mad that I didn't give them the donut.  But we got them plenty of greasy fries to keep them happy.  Bob got a gyro and I got a jumbo bag of cotton candy to take home, another one of my favorites.
Then we walked through the pavilion and made sure to stop at plenty of booths so the kids could get candy.  We only spent a couple hours there, but I think everyone enjoyed it.  I am excited for the Puyallup fair in a couple weeks.  Speaking of the Puyallup fair, I know they pass out free tickets at school so if you get some that you don't want send them my way!

1 comment:

  1. That burger is huge and looks delicious, artery clogging, but delicious all the same!


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