
Monday, September 16, 2013

Mutton Bustin

We took Tucker out of school and went to the Puyallup fair on Friday!  It was so much fun.  We didn't even do rides and we were super busy all day doing things.  Mostly free things.  One thing that did cost money was mutton bustin, but it was totally worth it.  Mutton bustin is where 4-7 year old kids ride sheep just like bull riding.  We entered Tucker and he was so excited to do it.
I thought Tucker would chicken out when he saw all the other kids crying and falling off the sheep.  There was even a guy whose job it was to run out and grab the kids once they fell off.  But Tucker wasn't even scared.  I don't think he really knew what he was getting into.  Here he is getting ready.
They ran it just like a real rodeo.  It was cute.  They guy would announce the child's name and weight right before they ran out.
Notice the crowds.  There were lots of cheering fans.
I was so excited when Tucker won.  I really had no idea how it would go.  Lots of kids fell off right out of the gate.  Tucker kept saying before hand that he was going to stay on the longest, but you never really know with these things.
Tucker was invited to ride again on the last day of the fair against the other days winners.  And the winner of that gets to move on and compete other places.  But Tucker doesn't want to.  The sheep ran him into the fence and he got hurt.  So he doesn't want to do it again.  We are not going to make him.  Surprisingly Penelope wants to do it.  She doesn't turn 4 until Sunday but maybe next year we will let her.
Check out the video!


  1. When we lived in Utah we loved to go to the rodeo's and watch the mutton bustin'. So proud of Tucker... i've never seen a kid stay on that long!

  2. How fun! My dad has lots of sheep and goats at his farm and we did our own mutton busting a couple months ago, very fun and pretty hilarious!

  3. Okay that is hilarious! What a determined little man : )



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