
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Summer's End

This summer went by so fast.  I can't believe today is the last day before Tucker starts school.  We tried to sneak in a few more fun activities before the school year started.

I took the kids to a movie.  Tucker had been before but I think it was Penelope, Scarlett, and Leon's first time watching a movie in a theater.  We saw Ant Bully.  I didn't like it too much, but the kids really enjoyed it.
Scarlett got a little bored and wanted to play around near the end of the movie.  Other than that she did good.  Leon did pretty good too.  He slept in my arms most the the time.  The worst part were the two times we dropped his pacifier and had to feel around on the floor looking for it.
I knew the kids would each want their own treat and since I didn't want to buy them each one I air popped popcorn at home and brought one bag for each of them.  Tucker especially loved that.  I wasn't sure if they would like it because it was plain, but they didn't seem to mind.
We also went to the mall for the kids club.  Once a month they do a craft with singing and dancing.  We were the only ones there on time so the kids got to be his special helpers for a minute.  They liked it.
Tonight I think we are going to do a little backyard smores party.  Anyone local want to come?


  1. So cute!


  2. We took our kids to the movie theater for the first time a few weeks ago and we saw Turbo. But we made the mistake of buying popcorn and pop and candy and it ended up costing as much as our tickets were.. but the kids loved it... it just means we won't do it all the time!


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