
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Maple Bacon Cookie Recipe

My sister, Talitha, introduced me to these maple bacon cookies and they are really good.  I've had bacon donuts and bacon donut burgers but not bacon cookies.  They were perfect for the relief society activity I went to last week.  I was surprised by how brave the ladies were when it came to trying them.  People were even coming back for more.  I think it is the first time that we actually ran out of something I brought.


First cook up an entire package of bacon.  Then crumble it up.  Make sure to save the grease.  I ran out of bacon so I ended up with about 10 cookies without the bacon.  It worked out because some people just wanted the maple cookies anyway. 

As far as a recipe goes my sister just changed a basic sugar cookie recipe to add the bacon.  I used this recipe.  And then adapted it a little.  Instead of one cup butter I did about 2/3 rds cup butter and the rest bacon grease.  I also changed the vanilla to maple syrup.  My dough was a little too soft so I added extra flour and chilled it, but you may or may not have to do these things depending on how your syrup is.

Then I made a basic butter cream frosting and added maple syrup.  I didn't actually measure but I did a stick of softened butter, about two tablespoons of syrup, and enough powdered sugar to make it the right consistency.

Once the cookies are done baking frost them and sprinkle the bacon pieces on top.

Now go make some!


  1. Super excited about these. We've had maple bacon donuts before too but never dreamed of trying to combo in cookie form - brilliant! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I'm glad they worked out for you and people liked them! I love making cookies :) (and other desserts)

  3. Hey there, Doranda!

    I found your blog over at the Withrop Chronicles party! These look DELICIOUS! Personally, I've never made anything maple bacon flavored, and now I am wondering why I haven't! They look YUMMy!

    I would love it if you stopped by to visit my blog!


  4. oh yeah, I think bacon makes everything better!


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