
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Soccer Season

Last Saturday was Tucker's last soccer game.  I wanted to take more pictures since soccer consumed so much of our lives over the last few months.
Tucker loved playing the defender!
He also had a really good run where he quickly dribbled the ball almost all the way down the field.  He didn't score during this game but he did make a couple more goals after that first one.  I think he got his confidence up after that and he started playing much better.
The girls always have a good time playing with their friends during the game.
Leon gets really into it.  Actually sometimes Bob and I get way to into it.  We are constantly shouting from the sidelines.  Don't worry, Tucker likes it.  He said it helps him remember what to do.
We make a tunnel for the boys to run under after the games.  They really enjoy it.
Here he is with the end of game treat.  This is probably his favorite part.
I am glad that we can let Tucker participate in sports.  It is really time consuming and they cost money (although soccer is a really good deal).  I just want to give him as many opportunities as possible during his childhood.  I'm not sure how we are going to do it once the other kids get old enough but I'm sure we will find a way.

Tomorrow I'll post about their end of year party!


  1. Tucker looks like he is developing some soccer form. Yes all these experiences build our children's self esteem. Just remember not to over schedule them.

  2. Great pictures of the family.



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