
Saturday, August 31, 2024

More Summer

This summer we went to the Diaso a couple of times.  It really made me miss Japan and I love that we have a small piece of it here (well 45 minutes away).

We love picking berries and know the best blueberry picking spot.  We have gone a few times this summer and always come home with a ton.

I even brought friends one day.  
The kids an I each entered a plant in the county fair.  We all got first or second place ribbons for our categories.  I will say there was not much competition.

Leon's was so funny, because he put a few fancy rocks and marbles in with his plant and so the fair worker wanted to put his in the fairy garden section and he really wanted it entered as a plant.

We mainly did it for the free tickets.  Tucker also went to the fair, but he worked at Fisher Scones again.  I wouldn't say that he loved it, but he was happy to make a decent amount of money and eat tons of scones. 
We always just walk around and do the free stuff.
We also took a day and drove out to Northwest Trek.  It is like a zoo but you can ride a tram around and see the animals that way as well.  It was fun, but we have had a really cold August and needed coats the whole time.

One day we went on a hike.  It had a cool waterfall at the end.  If it was warmer I would have loved to swim in the pool at the bottom.

I came home from my jog one morning and Beatrix was sitting inside our front door just like this.  I had to take a picture.  She looked like a little explorer.

Lake day!

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