
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Beatrix's First Day of Kindergarten

Beatrix was so excited to start kindergarten!  She could not understand why everyone else got to start a couple of days before she did.  I don't think she was scared at all, she was counting down the days and kept talking about how excited she was.

We went to her classroom about a week before she started and saw the school and her desk.  Then she went again to talk to the teacher without all the other kids there.  It is why she started a couple days later.  They like to do a slow start kindergarten where all the teachers meet one on one with their kids and parents before the first day of school.  I think it helped Beatrix.  It was so nice to send a child off to school who wasn't scared.  I've had kids excited to go and I've had kids crying hysterically that I had to pull off my leg, and a couple in between.

After school she had nothing but good things to say about her first day.  I'm glad it went well for her, and just a little sad that I don't have anymore kids at home.

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