
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Penelop's Birthday Fun

It was kind of nice having Penelope's birthday on a Sunday.  We usually go out and do whatever the birthday kid wants but this year we got to stay home and do whatever she wanted.

We started out by putting streamers blocking her door so she had to break through them when she woke up.  It was fun, but our video camera broke you wont get to see it.  The we asked her what she wanted for breakfast, I thought she would say pancakes or cereal but she surprised my by saying "ears, but not people ears." I was like "uuuhhhhh.... elephant ears?"  "yes, yes."  So bob make them and they actually turned out pretty good.  Next I let her pick out her own hair style and gave her a new (new to her) dress to wear to church.

After church she wanted pancakes.  So we made these cake batter ones.
Then it was present time.  Bob and I mostly got her clothes.
Tucker and Scarlett each picked something out from the dollar store for her.

My parents and Talitha and David came.  I guess I only got a picture with my parents.  Oops
This was my first attempt at a giant cupcake cake.  Not exactly how I wanted it to turn out but Penelope liked it.

After the party we told Penelope she could pick anything to do and we would all do it.  She decided on a Spiderman matching game.
It seemed like she enjoyed her birthday and that is what I was going for.  Happy Birthday Penelope!

1 comment:

  1. I tried to make a giant cupcake once and it was a disaster. Yours looks great! And...did you cut Leon's hair?!?


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