
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 2 and 7

Are you ready for more mommy moment pictures?  There are only three days left so I am going to keep combining days. 

Day 2 Puts a Smile on my Face
This picture probably took me the longest to get.  When I read the prompt 'Puts a Smile on my Face' I knew I wanted to get a picture of one of the kids sleeping.  The hard part was getting a picture with their room light enough and without waking up.  It actually took several tries that ended up with kids awake at the sound of me opening the door, or kids not sleeping because the shades were open.  I had pretty much given up when I went to get Tucker after his nap and noticed the light was pouring in and he was still asleep.  I was so excited I quietly ran and got my camera and started snapping away for a bout a minute until he woke up.

Aside from the fact that children look amazingly peaceful and adorable when they are sleeping I always get a smile on my face because I know it is my little break time.  When I get all the kids in bed I feel a sense of accomplishment, you know, kind of a job well done feeling.

Day 3 Messy Moments

This picture is also out of order because I wanted to wait until Scarlett's birthday and get a shot of her first bites of cake.  We try to avoid sweets the first year so birthday cake is a big deal.  She got nice and messy and did not disappoint. Happy Birthday Scarlett, I hope the cake was good!

Lace Baby Romper giveaway going on here!

Inspired by Family Magazine


  1. Those turned out so well! Your hat ended-up being adorable C:

  2. That picture is absolutely beautiful! Great job!


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