Monday, February 26, 2018

Swim and Gym

The kids started a swim and gym class on base and I love it.  They are split into groups based on who can and cant swim.  The kids who can't swim go and do 40 minutes of swimming lessons while the kids who can swim go the the gym and play P.E. games then they switch.  It is right in the middle of the day just for homeschoolers. 

It is so nice that my kids get to spend time with other kids and have fun while doing it. 

On this day they met in the racquetball room and played dodge ball, but they usually meet in a bigger gym.

Another great thing about it is that it is an hour and a half block that I get to spend with only Calista and Leon.  The grocery store is pretty close so it has become my shopping time.  It is sooooo nice to go grocery shopping with only two kids!  Leon will even be old enough to join the class next session so it will be just me and Calista handing out for an hour and a half each week.  I can't wait!

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