Penelope was born in September 2009 and is very chatty. She notices things and is always asking questions. She has not problem telling me no and will even do it with a smile on her face. Penelope loves the color blue and also anything Tucker likes. It seems like she wants to be just like her big brother. We love Penelope.

Scarlett, born in May 2011, has been melting our hearts since day one. Although now she mixes it up with ear piercing screams that are impossible not to give in to. She climbs on everything and really needs 24 hour supervision. Her vocabulary is growing every day and it is fun to listen to her talk. She has her own personality and fits in perfectly with our family.
Born March 2013, Leon is my little buddy. It is fun to have him come along with me all day long. Every time I look down at him he gives me a big huge smile. He is so sweet and a very easy baby. The kids give him lots of love and he rounds out our family making 3 girls and 3 boys.
Your family is SO amazing and so picture perfect! You are living the life ;-) I can't wait to see ya'll at Christmas, though I feel like i talk to you all the time b/c i read your blog so much :-) All you do is truly amazing Doranda!
So my wife was looking at your felt bow tutorial and loved it. I was going to close out of the window when I noticed the name of your blog and wondered "Is it possible that out of all the blogs, my wife found the one that belongs to my old roommate and his wife?" As it turns out, yes! There's Bob! You have a gorgeous family. Glad to hear you are doing well. Have a great day!
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