The kids and I just got back from Penelope's 18 month check up. She weighs 20.14 pounds which is the 6th percentile and I forgot her height but I do remember that she is in the 16th percentile. The doctor says that she is very proportional but just on the small side. I think Tucker was always around the 20 percentile so she seems to be just a tad smaller than he was. The doctor said that she is now borderline on her gross motor skills and since before she was below borderline it looks like she is catching up. I am supposed to work with her on stepping up the stairs and on climbing onto things like chairs. Penelope had to get 4 shots but I think she was more upset about the doctor and nurse touching her than the shots because once everyone backed off she stopped crying immediately. The appointment went pretty well because even tucker played quietly (for a 3-year-old) making it possible for me to hear and talk to the doctor.
As far as car seats go, Penelope is supposed to stay rear facing until she is two years old. This is the same advice I was giving for Tucker. Although this time my doctor said that European studies, which she said are better than ours, are showing that it is safer to keep the children rear facing until they are 4. So I wouldn't be surprised if my next baby needs to stay rear facing longer than 2. How a 2 or 3 year old child sits rear facing in the car is beyond me. Tucker is supposed to stay in his 5 point harness and not move up to just a booster until he is at least 4 and 40lbs. I want him to be safe but he still struggles with the buckles. It will be much easier for everyone when he is just in a booster seat.
1 comment:
That is a booster seat and not a car seat. no straps or anything. It is just to sit higher up so the seat belts work. If it is not nice don't say it!
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