Anyway, August was a really hard month for me. Both because of the anxiety and morning sickness. The good news is that the morning sickness is mostly gone and the anxiety is getting much better as well. I still struggle with it but at least now that the morning sickness is gone I can focus and one problem at a time. The morning sickness for this pregnancy was way worse than with my other three kids. In previous pregnancies I felt extremely tired and semi nauseous for the majority of the first trimester. Kick the nausea up and few notches and add in anxiety and you got my 4th pregnancy. I tried a few different medications (I was able to manage fine without meds before) none of which worked great and basically felt like I was biding my time to feel better. I don't know how anyone with bad morning sickness makes it through. I really feel like because of how horrible I felt there is no way that I will mentally be able to deal with any more pregnancies (after this one).
So that is pretty much everything on that subject. The baby is due in March and I am sure we will be wanting it to be sooner as we get closer to that date. Right now I don't feel like we are ready, but when is anyone ready for a newborn? I am thinking about not finding out the gender. Bob really wants to find out though. Any thoughts on if we should find out? We do have everything we need for a boy or a girl.

I'm glad you're feeling better. I've been starting to feel a little better as well. August was super hard for me too. I hate throwing up and feeling nauseated all the time!! It's so wearing on you. I know exactly what you mean about just biding your time until you feel better. It sucks! I don't know if I can even do another's SO draining! Anyway...I think it'd be so fun to not find out the gender, if you have everything you need. Nathanael wants to not find out, but I said we have to! If it's a girl...we have NOTHING. So we're going to find out. But I think you guys should wait! If you want to. :)
I think it's fun to know, to plan where the new baby will sleep, pick the name, and all that. But surprises are fun, too--and it seems that very few people are up for that kind of surprise these days. I am so glad you are starting to feel better. Coping is easier when you're feeling good....
The thrill of a surprise! I wish I had the will power to wait until the baby was born to know the gender. If we ever get pregnant again, I am sure we'll find out the gender because it's so hard not to know. Good Luck! Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.
Congrats! How fun for your family! I personally don't think I could wait. Haha, I need to know! There are only a few things in those months to look forward too and that is one of them. You could do what my parents did - they found out but didn't tell anyone. So it was a surprise for everyone else. Just an idea. Congrats!
It drove me crazy that I never knew the gender until the baby was born. I'm glad that info is available now. I say-find out-one less thing to wonder about. Congrats to you and your family-you have beautiful children. :-}
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