Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Me and the 4 kids

Bob was out of town on Sunday so I got to get all four kids ready to go to church by myself.  I was surprised by how well it went.  Leon slept in till about 9:30 so I took advantage of that and got the other three kids ready before Leon got up.  I even made them put their shoes on.  Our church didn't start for a couple more hours so we took some pictures with our extra time.
Like usual, Scarlett didn't want to line up for the picture.

Penelope loves to do everything exactly like Tucker!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on having such success with such a task... Good thing your church is not too early in the morning! As a mother of 4, I can truly appreciate what you had on your plate...My youngest turned 13 on Friday...And love the photos! I love that Scarlett beats to her own drum!!!

Stylishly in love said...

What a beautiful family.

If you get a sec, check out my latest post.



Mary-Anne said...

You're so brave to go to church all by yourself with the 4 kids! Pretty sure I wouldn't even attempt that. How did the interview go?

Style To Envy said...

like the cutest pics ever!! such little 'ginger' cuties!

Nikki & Val

Mrs C said...

Good job there sister! I'm impressed and the kids look super gorjus
Mrs C