Friday, June 20, 2014

t-ball party

Now that t-ball has officially ended Tucker's team had a little party.  The did a potluck barbecue at a park and it was a lot of fun.  We hung out and ate, then the kids played a t-ball game against the adults, then there was a small award ceremony where the boys got trophies.
Bob even got a special trophy that all the boys signed.
Afterward they all got together for a team picture.  I was especially happy about this because I didn't buy the professional one.
Then there was lots of time to play at the park.
The weather wasn't great, but that didn't stop anyone.
Even Leon is old enough now to really enjoy the park.  I think we will be going a lot this summer.

I had to take a picture when I noticed that just my kids were taking up every swing on the swing set. Sorry everyone else, the Woestman kids were swinging.

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