Materials Needed:
Premie Onsie
Sewing Machine and supplies
1) The first step is to get your onsie. I found that the premie size works best and they are in new condition at thrift stores all the time. I got this one for 50 cents. I love the onsies because they have a wide enough neck that you can put them on the dolls (and babies) with no buttons.
You can also do this with newborn size and other types of clothes, but for the tutorial lets stick with a premie size onsie. Look how big it is compared to the doll. Way too long.
2) Measure where you want to cut it. Make sure to leave room for folding and sewing. I've found I like them to be cut just above where the leg seams are.
3) Fold the end over two times and Iron it down.
4) Sew along the fold.
Below is another shirt I did. It isn't a onsie and it is size newborn so it was a little bit different but I wanted to show that you really can do it to most baby clothes.
All I did was put the shirt on the doll inside out. Then I pinned it down the front and sides and sewed it smaller. I also shorted the hem like I did for the onsie. This shirt has buttons on the back and is still a little tight to put on the doll, so make sure you have enough room in the neck to get the arms in and out. 
I also made an adorable newborn sized swimsuit and a few other things this way. I spent one nap time on it and about $5 and got a few different outfits for my girls to play around with. A great investment!

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