Thursday, September 10, 2015

Tucker's First Day of School

Tucker's first day of school went really well.  We are tying out homeschooling this year so I really didn't know what to expect.  I read a few books on different techniques and I had picked out our curriculum and had an idea of what I wanted to do but I wasn't sure how it would work out.  It was actually very low key and laid back.
After we took Penelope to school and Scarlett to preschool we came back and did his language lesson.  Then he had a little snack and did writing.  Next we were going to do math but our math books haven't arrived in the mail yet so we read part of a history book.  All that only took about an hour and I told him that if we have extra time then that is when we will learn about what he chooses.
He wanted to learn about Harry Houdini so we read a book about him, then watched a couple youtube videos of his escapes.  Next we learned two magic tricks.  And it was time to get Scarlett from preschool.  Then we do lunch and afterward while Leon and Scarlett nap he has free time to practice piano, read, draw, do legos, k'nex, play outside, basically anything he wants to quietly do without my help is great, as long as it doesn't involve a screen.  If all goes well I let him watch one show just before nap time ends and then we go pick up Penelope.
I can tell he is really starting to look older.

I'm excited to get to spend more time with Tucker!  Hopefully we won't drive each other crazy.


Kristen @ See You In A Porridge said...

that's so cool that he wanted to learn about Houdini. now i want to learn about Houdini!

d'une grande ouverture d'esprit said...

Hi Doranda,
I love to read your blog, great job.
"Homeschool" this is very interesting, is this usually in the USA? Why are you doing this?? Here in the Europe it is impossible.
I would love to read something about this.
Have a great day

Lorraine Butler said...

Great start to a great school year, I can tell. I admire your willingness to handcraft a curriculum that is interesting and meaningful for Tucker. Way to go!