We had so much fun at Disneyland it is hard to capture it in a blog post. But I'll try.
I thought this boat ride was fun because Tucker and Penelope got to sit up on the top of the boat.
We also got to meet Arial. While talking to her Peter Pan and Captain Hook ran past. We didn't get a picture of them because they were literally chasing each other.
I loved the scenery at Disneyland. All the buildings were very decked out. It made the whole thing more of an experience and not just rides set up at a regular park. Here we are taking a water break. We shared one water bottle and filled it up whenever we saw a fountain. Good thing no one was sick. It would have been a pain to carry around more than one.
We watch Sleeping Beauty a few days before we went, so the kids were a little scared of the Evil Witch when we went into the castle. Once they went though it though they said that it wasn't really scary.
They took their chance on the sword in the Stone. But none in our family could pull it out.
Then we headed over to ToonTown. I thought this was going to be one of the best parts for the kids, but it was really quite packed.
I wanted to get a picture in front of the camera shop.
We hung out there for a while and then went and re-rode a couple rides and that was our day. Leon was awake the whole time but fell asleep on the short walk back. I thought this picture summed up how we were all feeling.
Both times we have gone to disneyland were very different. We will probably go again someday and I'm sure that will be a whole other experience in itself.

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