It is always super crowded and most of the time we walk around to the booths so they can get their little "passports" stamped and get the prize at the end.
I like it when they teach us about safety.
For example, I now know that in case of an emergency I cannot count on my kids to give me cpr or even correctly call 911.
We've practiced fire drills at our house every year since we've moved in but when they were asked what to do if the fire alarm goes off all the fireman got back were blank stares. I guess it is time for another practice. This year the kids went into the fake house where they put fake smoke in the air and everyone had to climb out the window. As the kids were busy climbing out and not paying attention I turned around and walked out the front door. We still met at the mailbox, they were amazed at how fast I got out.
The little size bouncy slides are perfect for Penelope. Leon went in, and didn't come out for quite some time. I'm pretty sure he got scared and one of my other kids had to force him down the slide.
Who knows maybe all these safety days will inspire one of our children to be a firefighter.

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