Leon had 3 hour long preschool classes and one hour lunch where he had plenty of time ti play in the gym with the other kids. He was nervous and I need to stick around to help out anyway so I sat with Leon for his first two classes. It was amazing how much he opened up after that. I was able to send him to his third class alone just fine.
They learned about the letter A.He made a caterpillar after reading "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". Leon's third class was in the gym where I think they played and did more PE type stuff. I was a little sad to miss it but it was time for me to go to Tucker's class.
Tucker was on his own for most of the day and did great! He first had civics class, then watercolors, next was lunch, and lastly Hotwheels. Because I went to the younger kids lunch with Leon, Tucker was even on his own for lunch. It really was like a real school day for him. But almost more like a middle school because he had to switch classrooms and teachers throughout the day. I was the TA for his hotwheels class so basically I got to sit in and be the second adult to help out. He loved it and said it was his favorite class of the day. He also told me he made a friend. Just during the class that I saw him in I was really impressed with the way he behaved and let the other kids go first for things. They had to work together as a team and I think it was good for them.
It was funny to me how excited the boys were to go. The night before they got to make their school lunches and this was probably the best part for them.
They thought it was exciting to pack a lunch like Penelope and Scarlett have been doing every day. I think Tucker missed that from his homeschool days, and Leon has been enviously watching the older kids pack Capri Suns and puddings in their lunches for a while now.
We got home and had about 30 minutes before I needed to leave to pick up the girls from school. It took up my entire day and wasn't that much fun for me, but we are going to stick with it for a while. I think I'll enjoy it more as I get to know the other parents.

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