I was a little nervous to go on a two week trip without Bob or the kids. It was by far the longest I've left them and adding on being 30 weeks pregnant I just wasn't sure how things would go. I thankfully wasn't too nervous and I wouldn't let nerves or being pregnant stop me from missing out on a great opportunity anyway.
It sure was a long day of traveling though! I think over 24 hours but with the day change things got tricky. I started out with a ferry ride, then a few block walk to the link that took me to the seattle airport.
Once in the airport I went on what was supposed to be a 15 hour flight to a layover in Hong Kong. Instead we were on the plane for much longer, probably 16 or 17 hours. Just before take off we had a sick passenger and had to go back to the gate. We weren't really sure what was going on and they even called over the PA system for a doctor. It turns out there was an unaccompanied minor who was throwing up. They decided to leave him in Seattle but it put is all behind.
I had an aisle seat, which was great for getting up and walking around, but I couldn't sleep at all! I did watch several movies though. The food was kind of gross.
Unfortunately when I got to Hong Kong I missed my connecting flight. I had a few minutes and was hoping to make it but when I walked off the plane an employee was standing with a sign with my name and 6 other passengers names on it. She was there to escort us to the next flight. But we had to wait for all the other passengers on her paper and 2 took a very long time getting off the plane so we all missed it.
I spent a couple hours walking around the airport. My feet were getting swollen at that point. I felt a little bit silly laying down and putting my feet up in the airport, but i was tired and didn't really care that much what others thought.
This water bottle filling station was cool to me. You get to pick the temperature of the water you get.
My second flight was pretty short and also pretty empty. I was in the very back section of a giant plane and got the whole row to myself. In fact here is a picture of my area after the plane was fully boarded. It was kind of funny because the front of the plane was full of people. I don't think they realized how empty the back was or they would have moved on back to get more space.
Once I arrived in Manilla my dad was waiting for me. It was good they got my message about me missing the flight or they would have been waiting wondering where I was for two hours. It was past midnight there and I could immediately notice how hot and muggy it was there. We got a little lost heading to the temple patron house and get to bed around 2am. I was exhausted but somehow had a hard time sleeping. It was a super long trip, but I was happy to be there!

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