Penelope and Scarlett both seem to be doing pretty well in school. It was a rough start, but they are both doing better now. It has been a while since Penelope has gotten overly upset about something or other she was supposed to turn in but wasn't finished with or can't find. Scarlett still has a lot to work on but she is now making progress in reading! It seemed like for the longest time she just wasn't ready to learn the letters or sounds but over the past couple months she has been doing much better.
Both of them say they don't want to go to school, but I think they like it when they are there.
Tucker and Leon both wanted to be Jedi's from one of the many star wars books they have read.
For homeschool we try to go on as many field trips as we can. When I saw the local theater was playing "The Pirates of Penzance" I went ahead and got tickets. Online people said that kids liked the play so I went with it even though I didn't know anything about the story. After all said and done it was ok. Definitly not what we were expecting. The play was more about the pirates getting married than anything else. We were hoping for searching for buried treasure and fighting. It was still fun to go do something with just Tucker.The next picture is of the boys growing sugar crystals. We've been learning a lot about rocks and minerals this month.
The boys went on a rock hunt around the yard and then learned about the rocks they found. I love tit when they can do something that gets them up and moving.

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