Monday, April 1, 2019

Pi Day and More

Beatrix is napping so I'm going to take a minute to write a post.  This year on March 14th, pi day, we made a blueberry pie, at the kids request, and a chicken pot pie for dinner.   I've been watching the Great British Baking show quite a bit and I'm sure my pies would not stand up to the judging, but my judges at home seemed to approve.
I've also found that since watching the show I've been more interested in baking.  I purposely made the crust from scratch instead of using a store bought crust.  I messed up the first dough and had to start again because it wouldn't roll out.  I think it didn't work because the butter was warm and I over mixed it.  The second try went much better.
Calista has been wanting to take her cloths off sometimes.  Mainly when she wears footie pajamas.  She likes to have fun unzipping them.  My other, much more private, kids think it is hilarious and embarrassing when she does get her cloths off and runs around in just her diaper.  It seems like on this day she unsuccessfully tried to take her shirt off when she was in bed.  The sad thing is that I think she did it before she fell asleep because she was sleeping like that when I found her.  And she couldn't even put her arm down.
This next one is just a nice picture of Penelope.  I've been feeling better lately, just starting to get energy back again after having a baby, and I think we are up for another modeling job or two.  I was turning them down for the last couple of months.  So the agency asked for updated pictures of Penelope and Calista.  I sent this one in.
 And these two of Calista.
She actually has a job coming up on Wednesday, and I'm a little worried.  She only did that baby carrier one before and I struggled even taking these pictures at home.  She really doesn't want to hold still and look at the camera.

I also registered Beatrix to be a model.  She got her first job already...well, kind of.  She is going to be a standby model.  It is perfect because they are shooting different ages and it is for the same shoot that Calista is doing on Wednesday.  So I was going to bring her with me and Calista anyway.  Beatrix will get $250 just for showing up!  Double that if they take her pictures and double that if they use any.  She is starting young on her college fund.
She went on her first train ride the other day, on her way home from her first Relief Society activity.
I think she liked it.


Jacquelyn said...
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