Sunday, October 6, 2019


While walking to church one week the kids noticed seven dollars in a drain.  They were actually 100 yen coins, which are about a US dollar.  So I told them to see what they could come up with during church and on the way back if they were still there we would try to get them out.  

After church we had a stick and 3 pieces of tape.  The kids were semi successful and got one coin but ran out of tape.   
It was fun so we went home and I told them to make a contraption to get money out of the drain.  I personally loved Scarlett's straws all stuck together, even though all attempts to suction them out did not work.  The best was just the broom handle with tape on the end.  We were able to get six of the seven dollars out.  Just enough for all the kids to each have one.  The kids had so much fun using their imaginations and being creative with a goal in mind.
Tucker built a little fortress for Beatrix.  She really was liking it until she saw me.  She does this thing now where she will play happily by herself or with others until she hears or sees me.  Then she starts crying until I pick her up.  Babies are the best.
Penelope had a couple away soccer games that she needed to ride the bus on with the team.  She was very nervous about the lunch part.  I guess she has never ordered her own food before.  She can walk to the grocery store and buy her own food, but she says that is easier because you don't have to talk.  So we went to McDonalds and I gave the kids each money to order while I sat down and watched.  They probably need a few more practices to feel comfortable (except Tucker).
Beatrix was not a fan of Ronald McDonald.

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