Friday, August 19, 2022

Alice in Wonderland

Penelope, Scarlett, and Leon were in a play.  The Missoula Children's theater came and put on a play in a week.  It was basically a day camp.  Monday the kids auditioned, they practiced all week, and Friday was the performance.  At first Scarlett was the only one who wanted to participate but Penelope and Leon changed their minds and joined in the fun last minute.   Tucker had to work so he couldn't participate and Calista and Beatrix weren't old enough.
The play they did this year was Alice in Wonderland.  Penelope was the gryphon, Scarlett was the frog, and Leon was Humpty Dumpty.  Each of the kids had a scene with several lines.  They all said they were glad they did it.  I could tell at the practices that they were enjoying themselves.  It was a little hard for Bob and I to juggle getting them there each day while we were both working, but it was worth the effort.

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