Friday, October 6, 2023

Tucker's 16

Ok so I'm a little late, but we moved across the world and my camera was packed up for months.  Tucker has an appointment to get braces on so I thought I better hurry and get pictures of him at age 16 before braces.
I really wanted to push his hair down some for these pictures, and believe me I tried.  But it wouldn't stay down and Tucker was not interested in wetting it down.  He was not happy about taking pictures at all.  We were having a family game of Catan but I made him do this between turns.  

A little about Tucker at this age.  He is busy.  He rides his bike all around even though he now has his driving permit.  He takes himself to seminary then school then stays after for cross country. 
Tucker likes working on his audio production class and has been making music on the computer.  He is pretty responsible about getting all his schoolwork done on his own.  He is really into soccer.  Bob and I are encouraging him to think about career options and now he is saying he wants to be a pilot, or do something with digital animation.

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